After the wedding we will continue to reside
in our little apartment in Douglasville. We are hoping
that we will soon be able to purchase or build a house and begin
our family, in addition to Sasha and Missy of course.
Sasha is a two year old white German Shepherd
and white Labrador Retriever mix. |
Missy is a seriously overweight six year
old Yorkshire Terrier. |
For the time being, these girls will continue
to be our pride and joy!! Later we hope they will adjust
to a sharing us as parents and we can all be one big happy family!
Jim works for WorldCom in Atlanta and will
continue there. He is also trying to break into computers,
and is currently designing web-pages in the evenings.
Terri works for the State University of West Georgia
in the Student Developement Center, where she will continue.
Her plans include beginning her Master's Degree this fall.
About Us | The
Engagement | Quick Facts | Wedding