After fighting a cold for 2 days, Jim hopped on his motorcycle for one last ride of the year. Sure it just so happened to be one of the coldest days of the week, and sure it kicked his cold back in with such force his plans for New Years Eve no longer included a trip to the Big City, but he just doesn't regret the trip! If you don't know Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum is located near Talladega Racetrack in Alabama, and happens to have over 900 motorcycles. They are everywhere. For example in the first pictures, those are full size motorcycles stacked 5 stories high! They had a water cooled Harley that was nearly 30 years old. Sidecars, skis, boxes, guns, and just about anything else that came factory mounted to a bike was shown. Heck one bike (not pictured) folded up into a suitcase that would almost fit as carry-on at the airport! Not that I would want to go through security with that.