This year the Rubino Family had a party at home. The evening started out with some shrimp cocktail and drinks all around. Then it was time for everyone to start dinner. The main meal consisted of asparagus, a mixed greens salad, and either a T-bone, filet mignon, or plain old steak. Wow were we stuffed. We took a break and played some games, had some cremebrulee that didn't quite turn out right (perhaps Daddy will get it right next time), played some more games, had some strawberries and real whipped cream, played some more games, wrestled, and when the time approached we wished each other HAPPY NEW YEAR and called the grandparents...
Sure it wasn't Times Square in NYC, but we had everything they did, plus the dropping of the peach and the glass ball, plus a fire, plus some good food, plus a great family time, plus... well you get the idea, we think we were better off than those folks freezing outside...
Have a great 2004!