Jim and Walt went to raise money for MDA. It was the first charity ride Jim had been on and it was great! There were quasi-celebraties (Southside Steve of the Regular Guys), free food and coffiee before the ride, goodie bags, cool bikes, and even more free food after the ride.
The ride itself was incredible. We had a police escort so we got to blow through red ligts. With over 250 bikes, there was nothing but bikes as far as you could see, both in front of us and behind us. People pulled their cars over and got out to wave at all the bikes. Some of the people on the side streets were getting kind of upset that they had to wait for us and even that was fun to watch their look of dismay as to how many bikes were going through their town. But overall there were many more people happy to see us, and it was for a great cause. Hope to see you there next year!