Wow, what a <fill in your own adjective here> place. The photos are of where we stayed, then the first impressive beer sign ($1.00!), the biker dog, one of the coolest kid wagons I have seen, a great way to display wheels, Walt's opinion of a V-Rod, Biker Dog #2, Walt getting a nice shoe shine, Walt & Jim hanging out with the chopper builders, Daytona HD, (not pictured but worth mentioning is the Jackson Hole Saloon), JB Walker & the Cheap Whiskey Band, the Iron Horse, David Allen Coe, the lighthouse, one cool road, Gina getting a new hairdo, the band at Gillys, the BEST beer signs we found, the entrance to Main St., evidence of some wild times at Boot Hill Saloon, a line of V-Rods (we didn't get to test ride, we got there too late), Walt thinking of going O.G., the beer can car at the Cabbage Patch, the parking lot at the Broken Spoke (the other 4 didn't come out because of all the dust!), and finally a moment of silence from the Broken Spoke.

Thanks again to Gina & Ray for letting us crash, we had a blast.
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