Biketoberfest, 2002. Daytona
Beach Florida. 1100+ miles total, unknown number of bikes, beers, bars.
Man, what an experience. The trip started out with a quick stop for new
rubber on Walt's Gold Wing, and ended up in the rain. But we definitely
had a great time. Whenever you are ready to "take your bike to a
trailerfest" let Walt and I know. We will be happy to ride with you
(as long as it is OK with the bossladys). Both Walt's and my bike received
slight battle scars from the trip so that was about the only down side.
It is hard to explain what the trip was like, but we will be happy to
try over a beer sometime, just let us know. If you can't do that or want
to see what exactly we are talking about, pictures speak 1000 words, so
read on...
BIKES 47 images
Nothing but bikes. Well there are some people around them, but the
emphasis is on the bike(s). Yes, even that one, look at the fenders
on the 2 bikes.
This is where you will see some of the things that we experienced
at Biketoberfest. Including where we stayed (THANKS GINA AND RAY!
WE HAD A GREAT TIME), some of the stranger things, Walt's opinion
of a V-Rod, bands, and a whole bunch more... it was amazing.